Our reviews

(160 Reviews)
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October 07, 2023

September 04, 2023
The food was good. Service was fast.

September 03, 2023
A great meal. Thanks so much :-)

September 02, 2023
Fresh, flavourful and on time. Love the chicken tikka.

August 23, 2023
When my brother visits he always enjoys treating us to dinner from your restaurant.

July 08, 2023
Very helpful with a big order - thank you.

July 04, 2023
Terrible disappointment. They advertised a buffet, saying I could pick what I wanted and go home with it. Instead, no buffet, just order what I wanted at exorbitant prices. I can't recommend take-out, and would certainly NOT recommend eat-in. And that's a sad comment because I like Indian food.

July 03, 2023
The food is always good! It's reasonably priced and usually really fast service, especially for take out. I highly recommend Royal Tandoor!

June 13, 2023
The food was good and so were the prices. We will come back for sure!

May 22, 2023
So yummy! Thank you!!